I think this is finished. I've been working on three pieces this last month - and this one is obviously about babies, or putti... or truthfully just my grandson Marley 8 years ago trying to walk in his mom's yellow rain boots. I'd taken a video of him doing this and chose several frames to use for these layers. As he conquered walking in the boots, he was whispering to himself "Ya... ya!!"
I hesitated on this subject, even almost scrapped it a few times in the early stages ... a lot of babies, really? but at a certain point realized I'd become obsessed with it... imagining the magical world of a 2 year old and finally just let myself get carried away with it. Some of those on the right, all helping each other get a foot into them, remind me of the Luca Della Robbia putti reliefs in Florence. I think because they're all coordinating together something 2y olds aren't yet capable of. If he could do it, I guess I can... so now I'm finding myself afraid to show this but simultaneously wanting to do a series of them!

Marley in Yellow Boots