Last week was on composition - also a very different approach than I was originally taught... actually, I never remember being taught "composition" or even have any recollection of it being discussed. It was only discussed between my best friend Diane and me. Really strange. So in FYJ it's approached via different types of contrast.
But last week I also got a book recommended by a friend in FYJ, called Expressive Drawing - it's out of print but I found a used copy. It's sort of a perfect approach for me - a totally intuitive approach to drawing abstractly, intuitively and expressively. That's pretty much what I've been exploring on my own and is taking over my focus. The book is by Stephen Aimone and he has some great exercises in it - exploring repetition of shapes, geometric against organic, etc. So I intend to continue the exercises in it after FYJ is finished. He also gives online workshops.
I also noticed an abstract artist, Rob Szot has opened a studio just a block from my place, and he gives both in studio classes in oils, and also online workshops in both collage and painting. I know it's crazy, but I signed up for his collage workshop... it's spreading myself pretty thin, but I was really curious to see what his approach is.